Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanks, Secret Pal!!

Wow, look what came in yesterday's mail! A package from my Secret Pal!

Along with all these goodies came a very sweet card, full of apologies for tardiness, but Secret Pal, don't worry. This package comes at an excellent time for me, what with stress and unprecedented busy-ness, and I don't think you should add to your own stress by worrying about me!!

Also, in the card, my pal mentioned that there will be another package coming soon too, so even while I'm enjoying this package I get to anticipate another one!

Look at all this great stuff; now in my free time I can read Yarn Harlot's new book, rub yummy smelling Cucumber Melon body butter on myself, bathe in matching scent shower gel, and a handmade bar of Lavendar Rosemary scented soap.

And look at this lovely sock yarn! One ball of Phildar Hobby wool in a faux fair isle pattern (which is something I've really wanted to try out) and another ball of gorgeous blue Multiringel Cotton from Lana Grossa. Both of these are very very tempting, and I'm looking forward to casting on socks some day very very soon. Its been way too long.

So thanks very much, Secret Pal! I love everything, and you're the best!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh, the Horror of It

You might remember this horrible, nightmarish image from a few week ago; the handiwork of a bored kitten while we were away on a trip. Well, what with blowing ornaments and paperweights and whatnot for the holiday season in the evenings and starting a new part time job during some of the days, I've been so busy it was a simple matter to exercise my right to denial, and just pretend this never happened.

That was an excellent plan, as far as it went. But suddenly I came down with a little cold, and found myself needing a fiber project. I turned to my beautiful and trusty spinning wheel, and....found this. It looked exactly the same as it had looked when I discovered this mess! How dare it!!??

If anything, it looked even more kittened!

It was time to take back control of my spinning wheel! It was time to face the music. (the faint of heart should probably turn away for the next part)

I attempted to unwind the snarl. No go. I attempted to follow an end, re-arranging the kittened singles all snarled out of order on the bobbin. Nope.

I got out my scissors, and did some surgery. And this the kicker; still no go!! I did my best, unwinding lots of tiny little singles, until I knew for sure I was about to unwind the whole bobbin before getting to the other two cut ends! A nightmare! This was the best I could do. Yes, three ends. On one bobbin. Three.

Did I mention that I haven't particularly been enjoying this tiny-merino-singles spinning project? Sigh.

Then I turned to my left, pointed my camera at the floor, and tried not to faint as I took this picture:

That's a heaping two cups or so of pathetic, sad, nicely spun, excellent quality merino.


Then I turned the other way and took a picture of our little culprit.

She looks so innocent, doesn't she?

Thursday, November 01, 2007

If you remember, we went on a little trip. Away for over a week, first at a fabulous wedding of close friends, and then on to Central Pennsylvania to visit my partner's elderly parents.

Long hours on the road. Lots of couch-sitting once there. Long slow days. Lots of knitting!! This is The Braids cardigan from Cabin Fever; nearly done! (well, more nearly done than before, anyway)

The color in the picture is just no good and I didn't have time to do better due to the craziness of seeking, finding, and starting a brand new part time job that I suddenly decided I wanted to have. So if I've been a little quiet lately, its because I'm totally in shock.

And...was it a good idea to leave this demented little darling home for over a week with very little human supervision and only another cat to look after her?

The discerning among you will notice that she's not playing with the blue ball in this picture. No. She's playing with a tampon, stolen from a basket in the bathroom. The sly little thing.

And here's something else she found to play with while we were away. (Primal Scream!!!) This is my tiny not-Koigu singles for that dratted shawl which I love but for which the spinning never ends! And now...well. Enough said.