Thursday, October 18, 2007

True Confessions

Uh-oh a pictureless blog entry! We're having some technical difficulty here at Whorlygig; I have finally gotten an excellent camera, but my primary computer is too antiquated to use the card reader. This leads to a weird situation where I take the pictures, download them to the laptop (which is not always here, or available, and actually belongs to my partner's work) and then use either a CD or a flash drive (also not mine) to move the images to the primary computer from which I can upload them to Photobucket. Don't ask me why I can't upload directly from the laptop; it must have something to do with the network or limitations on the office machines.

Anyway, the laptop isn't available to me today, and we're leaving town tomorrow. So...a pictureless blog entry from me. I think this is the first.

And it saves me from the embarrassing situation of having to explain why the projects I'm taking on my trip are being knit entirely of (gasp!) commercially spun yarn. Since you can't see the yarn, you don't know its commercially spun! Lets just say its handspun, shall we? It is! Honest. Very, very evenly handspun.

The really unusual thing is that I'm going on a week long trip with only two projects! And I really expect to mostly only work on one of them. The other is just in case of terminal boredom. The Project is the Braids Cardigan, a lovely pattern from Cabin Fever. I just need to get it done, and if I spend a week with it, with long stretches of sitting in the passenger seat of the car, I'm sure I'll make what would otherwise be months of progress. And I'm already up to the armholes, so what I'm hoping for is to be well on my way towards finishing it by the time I get home. The backup project is the teal lace wimple I posted a swatch of some months back. I'm still at a point of long-stretch-of-stockinette and it will be good for relief from ribs and cables.

Note that both these projects are seasonally appropriate. The tank top has been officially set aside until Spring is a little closer.


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