Saturday, August 18, 2007

Extra Question Contest

My secret pal hostess is having a little contest, and asked us all to answer a few more questions, so here I go:

1. What is the one knitting accessory you could not live without?
Well, first of course, although my knitting is more like an accessory to it, is my spinning wheel, without which there would be no knitting! But also, I love tiny stitch markers, and often find I need several colors for one project. Oh, and my friend has a knitting gauge ruler that has a little magnifying part in the middle so you can count your stitches without putting on extra light or reading glasses...I’m starting to think maybe I can’t live without that since I really loved borrowing hers!

2. If you're heading on vacation, do you take knitting with you? If so, how much and what type of project?
Absolutely. I like to take three projects for a long trip; something small I can knit on the plane without poking my neighbor with needles, something long and mindless I can knit while visiting, and something else for backup in case the long and mindless one gets finished. The backup one can be something that needs attention now and then, like a sweater that’s gotten to a fussy part but will be mindless again after that. If its a short trip, I might be able to get by with just one project, if I know what kind of knitting I need (mindless, detailed, etc) for the events of the trip.

3. Where have you travelled to that you'd consider your favorite spot?
We just took a trip to Oregon and had such a great time at the coast, in the mountains, and in the desert that we’re actually considering moving there! But not too soon...enough has changed in my life in the last couple years without me adding more quite yet. I especially loved the cabin on the coast; that was heaven!

4. What is your favorite knitting book at the moment? Do you own it?
Hm...this is a hard one. There are lots of knitting books in the world! I’d say I really love Big Girl Knits, and I do own it. There are some nice patterns in there, and that's great, but the fitting section just can't be beat as reference material, its so excellent. I also really like the Barbara Walker stitch dictionaries but don’t own them; I get those from the library.

5. Do you listen to podcasts? Which is your favorite(s)?
Not yet. Its on my to do list, but so far, I’m behind the times.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger "T" Van Hoecke said...

Can you tell us the brand of Stitch guage your friend has?
The magnifying aspect sounds like something I must have.


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