Sunday, May 28, 2006

New toy, new yarns, new schedules!

The drum carder came today!

Well, it came yesterday or Friday, but we haven't checked the mail, so Seamus went to pick it up from the apartment office this afternoon. This thing is a WHOPPER.

Craft Zone

You can see it here in my craft area. All my wool is either behind or in that table thing, some of my bead boxes are on top, plus the swift clipped to the side. Also inside the table are more undyed fibers, some handspun yarns, and probably some stuff hidden in the back I don't know about. The ball winder is clipped to a stool and at the moment is keeping company with a guitar tuner, a pilsner glass full of beer, and a guitar slide. Seamus co-opted it to use while he restrung his guitar and played some blues for me earlier.

I had planned to dye wool and yarn yesterday, but Seamus took the day off work so we could have a 3 day weekend, and I've found myself doing things that I can work on while we're within 4 feet or so of one another. Funny how having other people around (though they're not demanding that you interrupt your schedule) can totally derail anything you had in mind to do with your time.

So, today, I spun 2 yarns.
First Flush as singles yarn

The last of First Flush (on the right) has been transformed into a squishy and (if I say so myself) beautiful bulky singles, and the ounce and a half I had left of Deep Sea is now 71 yards of slightly-fatter-than worsted 2 ply.

Now, in an effort to inspire you and motivate myself, I leave you with photos of undyed yarn.
Undyed yarns
Blank canvases for color, ready to be dyed and become something wonderful and wearable!


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Martha said...

Ooooh, your drum carder came!! Yippee!! I miss having one, even though it was a pain in the butt to use...but still. Wow. Great. Congratulations!

At 3:47 AM, Blogger Sam said...

I knew Iwas going to like that one best as a single, it is so squooshy looking!I also dyed some yarn this weekend. A friend owns a small yarn shop, and she wants me to dye some one ply Briggs and Little for her. I did a few, but I find it more fun dyeing roving. I have a harder time being inspired with the yarn, I think because it is more work to get the colours where I want them.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Julie said...

oooh, pretty yarn! I am concerned, though, about the neatness of your craft area. Did you straighten up for the photograph, or are you always neat and organized? I try so hard, and fail so miserably. Nice drum carder. I think DH would shoot me if I brought one home to live. He thinks it's bad enough that I have a wheel and a room full of yarn.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Amy said...

Martha-- A pain in the butt to use?! Oh no! Don't tell me that!

Sam-- I have fiber to dye, too.. I just don't have the willpower to tear myself away from playing and running around town with my copilot!

Julie--Don't be too impressed. I had to clean to fit the drum carder in. Before I straightened and rearranged, that table was piled up with a good 3 feet of fiber, yarn, fabric, and various jewelry equipment. Keep in mind that I live in a less-than-palatial one bedroom apartment with 2 birds, a spinning wheel, lots of guitars and mixing equipment, a large underbed bin and several well-hidden bags of yarn, a moderately sized library, and a very patient and understanding fiance.


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