Saturday, May 20, 2006

Train Trip

I went to visit Mom for Mother's Day and a few days after, as you know. I gave her the blue yarn I spun (Yippee! All done spinning sweater!!), cast on, and settled down to visit.

But get this! I drove there with my sister in law, and so I had no way to come home but by TRAIN! Yes. After more than a month of insane busy-ness, I actually had an enforced 8 hrs of undisturbed, totally alone (except for strangers) knitting time!

I bought this to hold my sock project.

I bought this to hold my knitting, CD player with book on tape, and lunch. Ok, yes, there is chocolate.

I taught a young girl to knit during my train change at Union Station in Chicago. She borrowed sock needles and yarn, but I didn't let her keep them. I might have if they had been big needles and bigger yarn, but it was too cruel to give a beginner 2's to keep! Not to mention my freshly spun sock yarn!

And, even though the pattern slows me down, I made a lot of progress on the sweater.

I promise, my next post will actually be about spinning. I'm home now and I have my eye on some linen/flax blend top!


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Amy said...

I love how the subtle variegation in the kettle dyed yarn is showing up in that sweater! It really encourages me in my crazy plan to spin for (and knit) a sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Martha said...

I've gotta say its a little bit of a big deal spinning for a sweater, but its so fun to knit the yarn! Sure defeats the "last minute knits" concept, though!

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Sam said...

which sweater are you going to make? that book is beautiful, but you need the eratta or there will be trouble, at least there was for me!

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously that sock-box and knitting bag were the perfect purchases for this train trip. What Martha hasn't mentioned, though, is that the other day she also bought a skirt that goes with all of it perfectly, and now she's just itching to go on another train ride with this outfit and accessories!

J (aka The Fair JoAnne)

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I got your note that you don't necessarily check responses to your Lj feed so here I am reposting:

"What? You passed through Chicago? Next time you do that you are welcome to stop by for tea or something. Or meet you at Panera's and bring your knitting?"


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